Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Having multiple Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Gogle+, Pinterest, YouTube, Tumblr, FourSquare & InstaGram"the list can go on but these are my platforms of choice" can be a great thing when you have the bandwidth aka talent to manage them but as the Director of Social Business for Study Breaks Magazine, Shweiki Media & Study Breaks College Media, I have recently began to think about how much more effective as a Brand we could be if we consolidated our online presence. I have came up with a list of Pro's & Con's to shed some light on the topic that may or man not have crossed your mind.


-Effectively engage our current and potential audience online which will increase the amount of readers and clients
-More readers means longer lifetime of advertisers advertising on and offline
-Effectively promote and become ambassadors for our advertisers not only in the magazine but online
-Ability to keep our voice and mission statement trust worthy in the eyes of our readers, advertisers & in house "we do what we say we're going to do when we are going to do it"
-Relationship Marketing is what Social Media is all about, when done correctly and thoroughly it can lead to hot leads, greater brand reputation and wider audience reach
-People buy from people and brands they know and trust its not about B2B or B2C anymore its about P2P (People To People)
-Able to ensure that our messages are strategically updated according to when our audience is actually online with metrics and insight tools that give you real time information of when your updates would have the most likeliness of being read, shared and commented on
-It's impossible to build any influence, trust, relationships and awareness growth when we are not participating in the conversations our readers and clients are having online. WE MUST PARTICIPATE, WE CANT JUST PUBLISH POST'S AND EXPECT DOLLAR SIGNS AND READERS TO INCREASE
-Leads are a whole lot easier to close when potential clients have an awareness of what we do, who we are, and the audience we have now and will gain each and every day
-Ability to set time aside to create more content so that we become the Mashable & Huffington Post of the print, college and media industry.

-Interns are great but ask yourself this… would you send an intern out on a meet & greet with a current or potential client? how about to represent your brand at a convention? heres a better one, lets say someone says something negative about your brand, product or service online, would you allow an intern to handle the situation on the fly? the answer is more than likely NO, "at least I hope it is", this is common sense as we all know. We can't expect an intern to understand how irrational clients and consumers are and can be, especially online. Our online presence is greater than our brick & mortar presence, our voice can be heard globally and there is no DELETE button on the internet so we only get one chance to prove ourselves credible and socially conscious.

Do we have the time to effectively train interns who we not only can't depend on to be here as expected but also come and go considering the high demand for them as paid interns. I didn't learn what I know in 2 weeks, it took years of Community Management, Customer Service, Cold Calling, Customer Complaints, Seminars, Books, Webinars, Conferences, Marketing Courses and a some College Education etc… to get to where I'm at and its a constant battle to stay with or even ahead of the social times.

Social Media is just in its infancy and where it will go who knows, but one thing I do know is that its not the AOL days anymore, long gone are the one way conversations where brands speak down to the consumers. We must learn that the audience lives, works and plays online and in order to capture and retain their attention we must set ourselves apart from the spammers and trolls out there who simply publish 10 Facebook status updates with no interaction with their current and potential audience. How can we expect blog comments, Facebook feedback, Twitter ReTweets, Increase in leads, and build any type of influence if we aren't doing the same for our readers and clients?


I cant see any reason this would have a negative effect on a brand so I don't have any Con's but if you do,... please, do share. I would like to hear your thoughts on this topic and please explain if this is for your brand, what your brand does, and how many people you have managing this online presence of yours. 

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